Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Daily Weigh-ins are so Bad for Perspective

Even though I only post my weigh-ins once a week here, I am still doing the bad habit of weighing myself daily. And boy is that discouraging.

I stupidly weighed myself this morning and of course the scale was up. I had to remind myself that I hadn't finished my morning ritual, not to mention that I'm bloated right now (and for the next few days).  So of course my weight will be "up" by a lb or two. The goal is Saturday morning, which is still 4 mornings away. 

And I'm sore this morning. I'm struggling to motivate myself to do a workout, 'cause I really am just not feelin' it. But, I've got to keep going. 

Somehow I will push myself and my motivation today to do what needs doing. To get done what I always put aside because I have an excuse. 

I managed around 2 hours of sweaty work in the garage. Nothing back-breaking and I did pause every now and then. But, I was still active. Plus, I managed to knock out 3 minutes on the WaterRower. I know, I know. Only 3 minutes. But again, it's what I can manage right now and after my legs feel like noodles. I've got to build up.

I am a little frustrated that I did hit my full 30 points today and more importantly that I felt the need to hit my full points. Then again, I know that under eating isn't good either. My metabolism has got to be all kinds of screwed up, so I need to re build it from the ground up. That is part of this process.

I guess I am feeling a little down because Hubby is doing so good. And he doesn't have but about 20 more lbs to lose until his ultimate goal weight. When for me I have about 32 lbs more to lose before we go on our trip this summer and that's still 100 lbs away from my ultimate goal. It just feels so daunting sometimes. I'm just ready to have my belt/pants be loose like his. Or for people to recognize that I've lost weight like him. That and to actually weigh less than him. 

Water: 8 glasses
Workout: Garage Cleanup (2 hours), WaterRower (3 minutes)
  • Breakfast - Slim Fast Shake - 4 pts
  • Lunch/Dinner - Homemade Crunchy Cheesey Burritos (4) - 16 pts
  • Snacks - Chocolate Almond milk, PudgeFree brownie, WW Choc Cakes (2), WW Ice Cream cone  - 10 pts
Total pts: 30

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